Here's an emulator to old Playstation One game like Digimon World 3 or Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories. Well if you still have the CD lying around or downloaded it, you can still play it on the PC by using an emulator call ePSXe.
The version I have is an old version which is Version 1.6.0 (Latest is 1.7.0) but it does works.
Emulator download link:
Link To Download
Extract it anywhere you like and later open the folder.
Launch the executable named ePSXe that has the icon like in the screenshot
You're DONE! Oh but there's some configuration needed to be done before you can start loading those old games ;)
The version I have is an old version which is Version 1.6.0 (Latest is 1.7.0) but it does works.
Emulator download link:
Link To Download
Extract it anywhere you like and later open the folder.
Launch the executable named ePSXe that has the icon like in the screenshot
You're DONE! Oh but there's some configuration needed to be done before you can start loading those old games ;)
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