Monday, March 25, 2013

There are 3 steps on getting this done on linux

1. Java Virtual Machine or JVM for Linux
This enables your Java program to run on your operating system, choose your environment, it's either x86 (32 bit) or x64 (64 bit) |

Notice that the file you download is in RPM format, this can only be open by Red Hat distribution, such as CentOS and Fedora. Since ubuntu or xubuntu is debian based, you need to convert it.

2. Alien (Converting RPM to DEB)
sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential

Now change your directory to downloads
cd /home/username/Downloads
*change username to your user name

Use alien to convert the RPM Java package
sudo alien jvm-package.rpm
*make sure the filename matches, the above is just a demo name

Now a DEB should exist in your directory, time to install Java Virtual Manager
sudo dpkg -i jvm-package.deb

Restart if prompt

3. Java Development Kit or JDK using NetBeans
Download it here, choose |
*Current version is JDK 7u17 with Netbeans 7.3

After downloading it, notice it's a .SH file which is a batch script. To run it:

Once installed, a netbeans shortcut should appear on your desktop.


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