Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This post consist a mix for both these post I've written before, but I'm going to clearly rewrite the whole post for my conveniences:
1. Make your Thumb Drive Bootable

Windows 7 Recovery Disk
Download | Mediafire

Step 1: Prepare your USB stick to be booted
1. Open start menu, type in CMD. Right click it and Run as Administrator. 
2. When command prompt is laucnhed, typed in diskpart and press Enter.
3. Type list disk and press Enter.
3. Type select disk 3 where the “3″ is the number of your disk. (Careful, double check the size or else you might select a wrong disk)
3. Type clean and press Enter
4. Type create partition primary  and press Enter
5. Type active  and press Enter
6. Type format fs=fat32 quick  and press Enter
7. Type assign and press Enter to assign the USB drive a letter in Computer
8. Open the downloaded recovery disk using an archiving software such as 7zip or Winrar.
9. Copy all the content to the USB stick.

Step 2: Recovering
1. Boot the USB/CD stick
2. Enter to Recovery Tools > Command Prompt and follow the command below:

Type in:
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /fixmbr

You're Done :D


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