I just finish my own self-tutorial about web programming, not all to be exact perhaps just a cheese of it. So far I am able to say I have an adequate knowledge about it, here's among what I've recently learned:
Quite HTML and XHTML is arguably the same thing except for the tags. Anyway this is perhaps the most basics in web programming. By the way I learn HTML 4 not HTML 5 which perhaps some other time, if I have :)
2. CSS
This is like the style coordinator for HTML, meaning it will spice up your boring HTML pages to something intuitive which involves fonts, colors, cursors and etc. Although you can embed this on your web page, you can also create a separate file which you can direct your HTML page to use.
3. PHP
Just the basics, something like forms those kind, nothing major since this is kinda broad field to be explore and I don't have the appropriate basics yet.
So those are the ones, I'm using notepad++ but am going to try using Dreamweaver once the download is finish (downloading it ehehe) so there is it.
Now I'm diving in C++ which perhaps I think if all is possible, I would finish this in a month time. Othniel, gambateh!
That's all for now, if you have question regarding what I have stated above, please do, it will not only help you but me as well.
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